Hi, my name is Circe Ervina. I'm a documentary photographer based in Guadarrama National Park, Madrid SPAIN...

...My family, our village and nature around us , is my inSpiration

Life is not a straight line, but a continuous cycle of transformation, a perpetual flow of life, death, and rebirth. This principle, deeply rooted in nature, inspires my work “Everything That Changes,” a photographic project that explores the constant movement of existence and our relationship with processes of change.

In my search as an artist, I have observed how natural and emotional cycles intertwine, how everything that blooms carries with it the echo of what was and the promise of what will be. Every change, no matter how painful or uncertain, holds within it a seed of creation. My photographs aim to capture these liminal moments—instances when something is dying, transforming, or being reborn in a new form.

Inspired by the idea of life as a cycle of life-death-life, my work explores the essence that remains even in the midst of loss. Like the tree that sheds its leaves in autumn to protect its core, we too must learn to let go, allowing the old to transform into nourishment for the new. This process is neither linear nor predictable, but it is always profoundly human.

GOING INSIDE -Everything that Changes VOL I


Going OUT - Everything that Changes VOL II


LÚA - The one who gives light to darkness



Everything that Changes