Vol II "Going outside"

Year: 2017-2020
Location: Guadarrama national park, MADRID (Spain)

A story about Death and Love.

​Symbolic and physical death.

​Self-love, love for the community, and love for nature.

​On January 23, 2014, my life underwent a radical change that shook the earth and shattered my solid ground into a thousand pieces. The rural environment in which I dwell offered me the calm and healing my soul needed. It was through the initial contact with animals and nature that I reconnected with life.

Embracing "All that changes,- desires, love, needs-, in harmony with the cycles of nature, the -crops, the periods of hibernation, and the spring rains- allowed me to shed beliefs that prevented my healing.

​A documentary-conceptual and self-referential project that I have been working on for over nine years, through it, I try to convey without words, the personal journey I have experienced in recent years and my concern about the destruction of the natural places that help us heal.

The people who inhabit this place have a special relationship with their surroundings. They live in and from it, and care for it as if it were a living being. They move without haste, without a clock, with time to talk.

They have been my guides and companions on my journey, caring for me with their hands and words. They have taught me how to make homemade jams, how to milk, to enjoy sharing silences, and to connect with my spiritual side. They have also encouraged me to be authentic and not fear being judged, to accept my weaknesses and celebrate my strengths.

In this environment, I have regained my self-love and the ability to love. I have met my life partner, who has supported me in moments of vulnerability and held the broken pieces of my soul until they were reconnected.

A community project, where space is made for "CARE."